Patrick Mueller
senior node engineer at NodeSource
Node.js v4.0.0 has just been released. This is a huge milestone for Node under the new Node.js Foundation. All thanks to the development process inherited from the io.js fork.
All the io.js work has now been integrated back into the core node.js stream!
But wait, there's more ...
EcmaScript 6 features!
my favorites:
template strings - `new kind of strings!`
classes - class X { foo() { log("in foo") } }
arrow functions - cb => cb("shorter functions")
x = "World"
y = "Hello"
console.log(`${y}, ${x}`)
// prints "Hello, World"
// prints:
// multi
// line
// strings
"use strict"
// old school push-lines-to-array, join-when-done
const lines = []
lines.push("line number: " + (1+1))
// prints:
// Hello
// line number: 2
// Later
"use strict"
const LinePoster = require("./Line-Poster")
// new school push-lines-to-array, join-when-done
const p = LinePoster()
p`line number: ${1+1}`
// prints:
// Hello
// line number: 2
// Later
"use strict"
const _ = require("underscore")
const interpolate = require("./interpolate")
module.exports = function LinePoster(lines) {
lines = lines || []
return function p(strings /*, value, value */) {
if (!strings) return lines.join('\n')
const values = _.toArray(arguments).slice(1)
lines.push( interpolate(strings, values))
p( ["Hello"] , [ ] )
p`line number: ${1+1}`
p(["line number: ",""],[2])
const _ = require("underscore")
// f([a1,a2,..], [b1,b2,..]) -> "" + a1 + b1 + a2 + b2 ...
module.exports = function interpolate(strings, values) {
// zip([a1,a2,..], [b1,b2,..])) -> [[a1,b1], [a2,b2], ...]
strings =, values)
// flatten([[a1,b1], [a2,b2], ...]) -> [a1, b1, a2, b2, ...]
strings = _.flatten(strings)
return strings.join('')
"use strict"
function Animal(name) { = name
Animal.prototype.speak = function speak() {
console.log("hi, my name is " +
new Animal("Bob").speak()
// prints: hi, my name is Bob
"use strict"
class Animal {
constructor(name) { = name
speak() {
console.log(`hi, my name is ${}`)
new Animal("Bob").speak()
// prints: hi, my name is Bob
"use strict"
class Animal {
species() { // <----------------
throw new Error("subclass responsibiity") // h/t Smalltalk
class Frog extends Animal { // <----------------
species() { // <----------------
return "frog"
console.log(new Frog().species()) // prints: frog
console.log(new Animal().species()) // throws error
"use strict"
class Animal {
constructor(name) { = name
speak() {
console.log("hi, I'm " +
class Frog extends Animal {
constructor(name) {
super(name) // <--------------
new Frog("Bob").speak() // prints: hi, I'm Bob
from Trevor Norris, one of the resident performance gurus at NodeSource:
It's worth mentioning that
isn't optimized yet. So should not be used in hot code.
const foo = () => console.log("in foo")
// ~like function foo() { console.log(...) }
const bar = x => console.log("in bar with", x)
// ~like function bar(x) { console.log(...) }
const gru = (x,y) => console.log("in gru with", x, y)
// ~like function gru(x,y) { console.log(...) }
const pup = () => {
console.log("in pup with")
foo(); bar(42); gru(1,99); pup()
// prints:
// in foo
// in bar with 42
// in gru with 1 99
// in pup with
// ...nothing
"use strict"
class FakeTransaction {
expensiveThing(cb) {
setTimeout( () => this.expensiveThingDone(cb), 500)
// ^^^^ look ma, no bind() or self/that
expensiveThingDone(cb) {
new FakeTransaction().expensiveThing(
() => console.log("expensive thing done!")
// prints: "expensive thing done"
Node.js v4.0.0 has just been released. This is a huge milestone for Node under the new Node.js Foundation. All thanks to the development process inherited from the io.js fork.
All the io.js work has now been integrated back into the core node.js stream!
But wait, there's more ...
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